Free – Sold Out
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What are the geometric secrets of a volleyball net? What volleyball properties affect performance?
In favor of the Education Bureau’s latest renewal of primary curriculum where reinforcing STEAM education is one of the seven major emphases, a recent research by the Legislative Council showed that over 90% of school-aged children did not participate in sufficient physical activity. Mochy wants to help change that by enhancing STEAM to promote sport.
Teaming up with a group of certified professionals to pilot a sport-related STEAM program, Mochy is spicing up STEAM learning for young children through the lens of their favorite sports as real-world application. The program comprises two parts: (1) sport-linked STEAM classroom learning and (2) physical sport training (i.e. volleyball).
The program, namely ‘Stomper’ (with letters of ‘STEM’ and ‘sport’), has a vision to help our next generation to become better athletes with enhanced STEM fluency and sportsmanship.
10:00 – 11:30 Volleyball
11:30 – 12:30 STEAM Classroom Learning