by Alex McFadyen June 05, 2017


'Create a handmade bedside lamp, along with a stunning Spirograph with your family to celebrate all things patriarchal. Combine STEM Scientific theories with artistic creation to inspire children’s scientific thinking.

In light of the success of “STEM Academy” last year, The Arcade will team up with Mochy Kid to hold a special STEM event on the weekend of 17th and 18th of June to celebrate Father’s Day. The LOVE DAD Techno Arts School will combine the element of science and art expertise to introduce the Handmade Bedside Lamp Workshop. Fathers can now create a bedside lamp from scratch with their kids, learn about the principles of a light bulb, and draw anything the heart desires on the lampshade. As for the Spirograph Gift Card Workshop, children can learn how to make use of Spirograph drawing tools to create blossoming patterns on gift cards, as well as understanding the mathematical theory behind each stunning pattern; a sure fun day of learning for Father’s Day celebration.'


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Alex McFadyen
Alex McFadyen


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